Doe Deere's Passion For Cosmetics

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Maybe it's the color of her hair. It could be the unicorn status that she holds, which is a good thing by the way. No matter what it is, everyone in the cosmetics world knows how good she is at sharing her passions for colorful make-up. She's really good at it. It's all about rainbow colors and unicorn.s In case you've been living under a rock lately, unicorns rule. She knows that and shows her inner unicorn through her products and personal looks. We are talking about the queen of those colorful things, Doe Deere, the creator of Lime Crime Cosmetics.

She has shown publicly her love of all things unicorns and rainbows, but the best part of this amazing woman is her passion for quality cosmetics. She is good at it and it shows. Her make-up is super pigmented. It lasts too. The best part of her company though is her passion and dedication to always providing cosmetics that are vegan and cruelty-free in their creation and ingredients. Like the ever popular Lush company, this is one business that has blazed a trail which we all have to admire. …show more content…

She stayed true to that passion and created one of her first cosmetic products. She dubbed it Blue Unicorn lipstick. It was amazing how much that little creation took over the cosmetics world. She is now one of the greats in the cosmetic world. Considering she is compared to Lush, that's pretty amazing. Most of the great entrepreneurs start with that small spark and do what they love. That's her real secret to success.

Her Goals

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