Analysis Of Covergirl Simply Ageless Foundation Advertising

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Fallacies can be found in many different places such as, commercials, political debates, etc. One particular commercial that contains fallacies is the Covergirl Simply Ageless Foundation advertisement. The commercial starts off with Ellen Degeneres addressing the audience with “Hey Wrinkle Face.” She then explains that is what people will call them if they use their regular foundation and compares them as an apricot or prune. This can be changed if they use Covergirl’s new liquid foundation. Ellen follows this up by describing how young you will look. People will think you’re an actual baby since your skin is so smooth. This commercial contains the fallacy, hasty generalization. Hasty generalization is when one reaches a conclusion with an insufficient amount of backing evidence. Ellen does this by stating if the audience uses their own foundation and not Covergirl’s, then people will call them “wrinkle face.” This is generalizing because it is not set in stone that people’s current foundation will cause others to name call. It is also making a broad statement that all other makeup foundations are inferior to Covergirl’s since it will make you look wrinkly. By using Covergirl’s simply ageless foundation, it will make people think you’re a …show more content…

By using her to sell the product, this is what people may call, appeal to authority. Appeal to authority is a fallacy which uses authority figures in order to make information more believable, whether it be correct or incorrect. Ellen uses her comedic presence to make jokes on how your old foundation will make you look like a prune. This commercial was found on youtube and even the comments consisted of, “Ahahahah ellen 0:12 i love her expression…” said liveloveswim123 and “Haha i love ellen!” said capraysun. Rarely does a comment mention the actual product. They are so focused on the celebrity rather than what she is stating about Covergirl’s

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