Discrimination Against Immigrants

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Immigration and immigrants built America. The Africans improved the economic growth agriculturally, Asians built the railroads, and the Latinx community taught irrigation techniques to allow farmers improve the agriculture. Immigrants were taking the jobs unwanted by Americans, but then they were accused of stealing the jobs of Americans. Not only that, but many citizens believe immigrants were criminals and were forced into the U.S. by their government in order to cause terrible crimes, and citizens still believe immigrants are criminals today. Americans, primarily the government, discriminated against Africans, Asians, Latinos, etc., and prevented them from entering the country, and they are still being discriminated against. The current …show more content…

As New York University’s Director of the Division of Medical Ethics, Arthur Caplan puts it, “There is a long, sad and shameful tradition in the United States in using fear of disease, contagion and contamination to stigmatize immigrants and foreigners.” The government fears immigrants not because of their health issues, but immigrants do not have economic stability to care for themselves. Immigrants tend to enter the country with limited funds and cannot afford high education and health care. As a result, President Trump firmly believes that immigrants are taking advantage of the resources the United States provides: “Notice that illegal immigrants will be given ObamaCare and free college tuition.” ObamaCare provides affordable health care to those who are low income or middle class. As I said before, third world countries lack affordable health care, and so immigrants enter the U.S. for treatment. The metaphor of immigrants as infections originated so long ago. It has evolved from associating immigrants with infectious diseases to immigrants as infectious because there is a lack of understanding about immigrants and their homeland. If immigrants enter the U.S. to take advantage of free higher education and affordable health care, then it is important to notice that the country where they originate from is lacking in these resources. With the idea that immigrants are infectious diseases, a parasite taking benefits at the host’s expense, it is important to then provide such resources around the world, not just the United States. America has the resources needed to treat those with infectious diseases, yet they are not shared with the

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