Donald Trump Cause And Effect

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Is Donald J. Trump the cause, or the effect? Many politicians agree with Shelby Steele’s point of view which states, “Donald Trump is not the cause, he is the effect.” I believe Trumps election was the effect, of an endless list of political and economic disasters; hence making the political and economic disasters the cause. One of Trumps many promises is to remove Obamacare. Obamacare, is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, which was placed into motion by our 44th president Barack Obama. Obamacare has caused employers to reduce their number of full-time employees to part-time to avoid having to provide government-approved health plans or being penalized. This isn't benefiting anyone but our former president Barack Obama. …show more content…

In her article “ Elise Foley,” well known writer for Huffpost demonstrates how Trump cannot save something he already destroyed. “Trump cannot simply “extend” a deadline on DACA. People are slated to lose DACA protections on a rolling basis, and the program that would allow them to renew them has been rescinded. The only way for them to prolong their protections would be for Trump to restart a program that his administration has said is unconstitutional, and for the administration to begin accepting and approving applicants quickly enough to serve those set to lose their protections on March 6 or …show more content…

In an article for The Atlantic “Uri Friedman,” shows us how Trump starts a war. “ There are moments—like when the American president threatens to “totally destroy” the nation of North Korea and its raving mad “Little Rocket Man” of a leader, while the North Koreans suggest they’ll retaliate against this “declaration of war” from a “mentally deranged U.S. dotard” by downing U.S. military planes and exploding a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific Ocean—when one gets the distinct impression that the United States and North Korea are headed for war.”(Friedman) Trumps poor judgement may lead the U.S. into a third world

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