The Social-Political Ramifications of Immigration

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For many years, America has had a misconception of immigrants. Most Americans think them to be taking up space, money, and jobs, but that’s not it. U.S. born citizens have the wrong impression of immigrants, which technically has them judging themselves because all U.S. born citizens have a family background with at least one immigrant that came to the U.S., as stated in “Religious Issues in American Immigration,” “All Americans are immigrants” (Granquist). Even U.S. born citizens have a trace of immigration in their family history leaving them with no room to judge others. Americans have common misconceptions of a lot of things and immigration happens to be one of them. However, that is not to say that it is not a fixable problem. Through the past years of politics and reforms in the U.S, we have begun to fix prejudice towards immigrants, as well as start to understand why it is occurring. America has made improvements in having equality in culture, religion, education, and language which made it a better environment for the immigrants. America managed to throw out the hardships and stereotypes of immigrants and realize how they are benefitting. After reforms were put in place to increase equality and decrease prejudice, America benefited socially and economically. Since immigrants increased the supply demand, they created more jobs. This in turn brought a rise of the economy. America made some of the most appropriate changes in order to benefit others as well as themselves. Because of the advanced reforms in America and the determination for no prejudice towards immigrants, the environment became better and America started to benefit. In the beginning, America had loose border patrol and almost anyone could come into the United States if need be. Many immigrants took advantage and came to America because they wanted to have freedoms and had high hopes of finding a

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