Digital Immigrants By Marc Prensky: Theme Analysis

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Theme There is always a theme to every conversation and any piece of writing. Theme is a message from the author of the piece. It is the main idea. I read an essay written by Marc Prensky called “Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants”. The main idea of the essay is that the young generation today are the digital natives and the older people are the digital immigrants. The essay also mentions how the digital natives may not be able to be taught the traditional way the digital immigrants have been taught because of the technology today. I read another article called “Technology’s Impact on Society in Today’s Generation”. The article is about impacts on the todays generation using technology. Both articles are similar due to today’s generation and their use of technology. They are different because they also talk about other subjects. …show more content…

The impact on society article said “It may have seemed like the Facebook fridge, the 3D printer, and the mobile advancements had little in common, but they all have forced us into a lazy-minded state” (Technology’s Impact on Society in Today’s Generation). In the digital essay, they mention that some students may not be able to learn the traditional way, which is without technology and writing out everything. That is a sign of laziness because there are plenty of students who learn well and makes good grades without technology. They put in work to earn those good grades. Students have gotten use to the technology doing to work for

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