Different Groups in the Concert: An Observational Essay

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A couple of months ago, I went to a concert up in Denver. The band that played was called dada. They are a three-man pop rock band that have been playing since their first album was released in 1992. The band has a small following, but the amphitheater still was still quite full by the time the band started playing. Before this concert, I had been to a couple others in the past with bands of a similar type playing in a similar setting to that of the amphitheater I found myself in a couple of months ago. After going to the dada concert, I noticed there was an interesting pattern of where different people sat or stood at these concerts. This pattern divided people up by their social rank, age, and class. There were three different areas to this pattern: the people standing in the front at the stage, the people standing in the middle of the theater, and the people sitting in the back. Because of the fact that I was in the front of the amphitheater, I began to observe the majority of people standing alongside of me. It seemed like most of these people were on the lower side of middle-cl...

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