Difference Between Medicaid And Medicare

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Exam #3 Tuesday, Thursday 8am and 3:30pm Below is a set of questions that you can use to prepare for the Exam #3. The exam will consist of four questions of the questions below. Two of the below questions will be required. We will choose another four questions from the bank below. You will have the opportunity to choose two of those four that we provide. Each question will be worth 25 points. What is the difference between Medicaid and Medicare? Who is eligible under each program? Who regulates each one? What are the different parts? What are the different benefits for each one? Medicaid and Medicare are both programs that offer health care to individuals. The difference between the two is that they are offered to different ages and disorders. …show more content…

The overall goal for this assessment is to enable a sharing information through collaboration among community partners to promote a healthy communities where people live, work, and play. The steps to complete one is for clinic, hospital, and local health departments to all keep a record of the health status of their patients. Then without exposing the patient’s medical record/personal information just give an overall rating/occurrence of the health issue(s). It is important to conduct them because it is important to know the cause of health issues, the number of times that it is occurring, the age and race group the health issue occurs the most in, and the environmental risk factor that contributes to the disease, One of the case study topic is Sharma’s Village. It is important to conduct a community health needs assessment because it kept records of Sharma’s Village and how disease are spreading. The records that they record about environmental risk factors helps us to understand and stop/control the …show more content…

Please select a topic that was presented in class (Legionnaire’s Disease, Centenarians, Traumatic Brain Injury, Unintentional Overdosing/Alcohol poisoning,…) and discuss the larger professional collaborations (beyond those in the College of Public Health) needed to address the issue you select. Be sure to identify the issue, propose a solution, and think of who needs to work together to make it

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