Descriptive Essay: A Bad Time At The Beach

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Ask yourself if you have ever had a bad time at the beach? I didn't think so. In my opinion the beach is a very tranquil ant place to be. There are tons and tons of things about the beach that make it a calming place to be. The most interesting things are the things you see and hear. The less noticeable are what you feel, smell, and even taste. The only thing you might not like is the sunburn that usually follows when you're out in the sun for too long. Going to the beach is like the first warm day after a long dark winter. Overall the beach can be a calming getaway from the everyday stresses and everyday pressures of life.
To begin with, many sounds of the beach can be really calming. the sound of the waves coming of the deep blue ocean that seems to never end and washing up on shore of the white sandy beach or the sound of them crashing up against the jetties .something about the sequential timing of each wave causes an auroral sensation and can almost put you in a deep sleep. Although some individuals find them extremely annoying i enjoy the sound of the sea gulls on the beach. a...

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