Patanemo: A Place That Marked My Life

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Happiness often comes from noticing and enjoying the little things in life. As human beings, we usually do not realize that there is so much beauty in such simple things. We keep growing, and we only care about the appearance of things without considering these that appear mundane we can really find and enjoy in different places out of our daily routine. Life is marked by memories from places we went with people we love. For me, the place that marked my life in many different ways is a beach located very close to my house back in my home country, Venezuela, named Patanemo. Some people do not admire the beauty that exists in nature. Getting up early to drive for an hour and a half to reach a beach is priceless. Once I get out of the car, I step on the soft but warm sand. The sun that does not stop shining as it penetrates my skin with its rays and the atmosphere, so wet but cool, makes me want to arrive quickly to find a spot to leave my things and get undressed. As I look around, I can admire the millions of palm trees there are - not to mention the sand that does not stop dancing, because of the wind that just keeps upsetting …show more content…

One of the first things I do when I arrive is put on sunscreen followed by extending the towel and lying on it to tan. However, I have to be careful. I cannot let myself be carried away by the relaxing sound of the waves until I fall asleep; surely when I wake up the burn will not be pleasant. Also, reading a book is a very good option at the beach. Beyond all this, I can say that the best part is walking with my friends along the beach and seeing if there is someone we know. Moreover, I am sure that when we finish walking back, our legs will be as muscular as if we worked out three months at the gym. Or we can just decide to sit and enjoy the blue color of the water contrasted by the shiny gold color of the sand while listening to some music that they might have

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