Describing Dunkirk

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Describing Dunkirk From what I have learned about Dunkirk, it is possible to say that it could have been seen as a victory and also a defeat for the British. When the Second World War first began in September 1939 Germany had started to invade Poland and as a result of this France and Britain joined in an alliance and declared war on Germany. By the 10th May 1940 Germany had begun their invasion of France using the Blitzkrieg Method. On the 20th May Germany had reached the coast and trapped Britain and France at Dunkirk the only port remaining. Fortunately Operation Dynamo was approved by Churchill allowing ships to cross the channel and rescue troops from Dunkirk this was a critical day for the survival of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF). Luckily for Britain on the 24th May Germany had made a disastrous mistake as Hitler ordered that his tanks approaching Dunkirk should be stopped for coming operations. This gave British and French troops the crucial time they needed to be evacuated. On the 28th May Britain and France were able to use the beaches to get a bigger amount of troops off Dunkirk. However ships were frequently damaged or sunk by bombs. Finally on the 4th June the evacuation was brought to an end with an astonishing 338,226 troops rescued despite intense bombing and shelling. This allowed Britain to continue the war and the feeling of Dunkirk victory swept the country however Dunkirk had been a lucky escape for Britain. It is possible to argue that Dunkirk was a defeat for the British. This was mainly due to the evacuation being seen as panicked and disorderly. We know that a huge number of men were killed... ... middle of paper ... ...vacuation at Dunkirk can also be seen as a defeat. I think this was mainly due to the loss of troops and equipment, as most of their equipment had to be abandoned. This was backed up by source number 3 which contains photographs of the beach. Further more I know that 68,000 troops failed to be evacuated. As well as this I accept that demoralisation of troops and the panicked and disorderly evacuation, also contributes to why some people may think Dunkirk was a Defeat for the British. Overall I think that Dunkirk made Britain stronger. I think that this was the first step to defeating Hitler in the Second World War. I believe the deliverance of Dunkirk helped Churchill in boosting his leadership, it made the country have faith in the army, as they now believed Churchill could lead them to victory and continue the War.

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