Benjamin Martin Is A Patriot

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Have you ever seen the patriot According to the patriot the first thing that I will like to discuss about Benjamin Marin he described as the hero of the movie. Benjamin Martin is the character of (Mel Gibson). Benjamin Martin gets his revenge on Tavington by putting a bayonet through his throat in the movie. Thomas brother was captured Thomas ran up to the redcoat and grabbed the british soldier Tavington pulled out the pistol and he terminally shot Thomas in the movie. According to me Benjamin Martin has seven kids Thomas,William,Susan,Margaret,Nathan,Samuel,Gabriel.

I believe the movie is historically accurate because according to the on movie on YouTube the patriot Benjamin Martin killed their leader Tavington.Benjamin feel the need to kill because Tavington because took away his son.Benjamin Martin had courage in the american culture to fight back not retreat because they adore the american flag.Benjamin Martin has ended the war due to help of Jean Villeneuve that he trains the french to help the americans to defeat the british army.Benjamin Martin has express for the debt that he wanted to kill Tavington. …show more content…

All the soldiers of the Americans and the british were giving up because there soldiers were dying. Benjamin Martin quoted that it is “not over

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