Darry Curtis In The Outsiders, By Susan Eloise Hinton

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"Character Analysis-Darry Curtis" Someone once said, "Don't judge by appearances; a rich heart may be under a poor coat." Many characters in "The Outsiders", by Susan Eloise Hinton, portray that quote. However, one character who thoroughly depicts the quote is Darry Curtis. In the book, on page 6, Darry Curtis is described as "six-feet-two, and broad-shouldered and muscular. He has dark-brown hair.... He's got eyes that are like two pieces of pale blue-green ice." This is a stereotypical Greaser look, and Darry may look like a Greaser to random passerby. However, looks can be deluding. As the book progresses, it is portrayed that Darry Curtis is not a stereotypical Greaser, after all. It is often thought that Greasers steal money for a living.

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