Belonging In The Outsiders

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I feel as though the novel The outsiders has many themes, but the most important one is belonging. The greasers are a group of poor, low class youth that don’t have much and live on the wrong side of town. They are always held accountable for their actions. On the other hand, the Socs are a bunch of high class youth that are very privileged and aren’t held accountable for their immature actions. Greasers are real people just like Socs, but they do not fit in as easily. They feel as though they don’t belong anywhere. Or in other words, they are outsiders. Hence the title name. Ponyboy especially feels like this due to the fact that he does not fit in very well with Socs or Greasers. The rest of Pony’s gang feels more like the fit as Greasers. In conclusion, the title of the novel fits with the theme because they do not fit in anywhere, and they are outsiders. The outsiders demonstrates that how you look does not mean who you are. This is demonstrated throughout the entire story. I think the part of the novel where this was the most influential was when Johnny and Ponyboy were alone in the church and they got haircuts and bleached their hair. This shows that how you look does not mean who you are because when Johnny and Pony …show more content…

When Johnny and Pony killed Bob, Dally covered for them and had them go hide out in the church until the cops were gone. Also, when Pony and Johnny went into the burning church to save the kids, Dally put out the fire that was on Pony’s back and he attempted to save Johnny. Johnny was heroic because he killed Bob when he was trying to kill him and Pony. Also, he was heroic because he went into the burning church to save the kids. Without Johnny doing that, the kids would’ve been burned to death or gotten seriously hurt. In conclusion, Dall is heroic because he helped Johnny out in the police situation, and Johnny is heroic because he saved the

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