Dance Classification Essay

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Dancing is one of my favorite hobbies. The dance types that I like to stick to is contemporary and tap. To me those are the most complicated dance genres, but I like to challenge myself. Body paragraph 1: For 9 years I have been in dance, before I started contemporary I did ballet. Some of the contemporary moves in this genre is, straight legs. Straight legs is a move when you are on one foot and you do a plea while you are spinning while the other leg is out. Another move I do is c jumps, c jumps is when you jump in the air, and you curl your legs up and bring your arms back in the air. My favorite move in contemporary is a russian jump. A russian jump is when you jump and you are doing the splits in the air but you are doing this tilted. …show more content…

Tap fits in with fast or slow songs, I mainly like to dance to fast songs in tap because my feet move fast in tap. Some moves in tap is a Ronda Gon. A Ronda Gon is a pretty easy move, all you do is slide your foot from front to back, then you go back together and repeat. Another move that I love to do is the Shirley Temple. A Shirley Temple is when your feet start out together, then either your right foot or your left foot steps out, then the opposite foot turns on its heel, then brushes its toe up, after that bring your feet together. The last move in tap that is my favorite is, drawbacks. How drawbacks go is, your right toe steps back, then your left foot brushes. Starting with your right foot, your right heel goes down, after that you bring your toe down. After your left toe goes down, your right foot would brush back, then your left heel goes down. While your left heel goes down, your right foot is going to stomp, when your right foot stomped, your right foot is once again going to brush back. When your right foot just brushed back, your left heel is going down, your right toe is going down onto the ground. After your toe just went on the ground, your left foot is going to brush back, after your left just brushed back, your left right heel is going down to the ground. Lastly, your left foot is going to stomp on the

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