Paul Draper's Dance Style Analysis

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I have always been interested in dance and I find the different techniques that come with each style fascinating. One thing I have learned that amazes me about tap is that artist created their own style and they find a niche that allows them to stand out from the rest. Paul Draper was definitely one of a kind and he thought outside of the box to create a style of his own. His style was unique because usually tap music is jazzy and upbeat, he took two different types of dance and merged them together. Using classical music and ballet techniques he changed the way people viewed tap, he also changed the mood and the sound. By this I mean when you usually watch a tap performance, you listen to the rhythm of the taps and music, but because Draper …show more content…

Draper’s personality was kind, determined, curious and creative. As an artist his journey was similar to many other dancers because most of them picked up steps from their friends and built on that. Draper’s journey different because he went to School of American Ballet , which most tap dancers did not do but he was also blacklisted which stunted not only his personal career but also his career with his partner Larry Adler. I think that the dance that he choreography was very interesting, it was graceful yet rhythmic at the sametime. I liked how each section of the dance was different, there was ballet, jazz, swing, a part that was without music and one that focused on speed. The Speed part is something I one day want to be able to do. Paul Draper made a comment about believing that “people should not be praised for doing something in spite of your age and if you are going to do it, then do it”. This stood out to me because in our society we put a lot of age restrictions on things,whether it's a job or activity as a society we have the tendency to say someone is too young or too old to do something. Personally I believe restrictions should be based off of capability and not age. This advice is also important to me because I stopped going to dance school at a young age and as I got older I always wanted to start back up

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