Dairy Cows Persuasive Essay

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Around 21,000,000 cows are slaughtered every year for veal or cheap beef globally. The veal industry would not exist without the dairy industry.
Cows lactate for the sole purpose of nourishing their young. Although, due to extensive biological manipulation, today dairy cows produce up to 12 times more milk than they would naturally to feed a calf. They are milked for ten months a year which includes seven of their nine months of pregnancy.
Within hours of birth, dairy cows are stolen from their mothers in order to maximize profit. Within the first 24 hours, 97 percent of newborn dairy calves are forcibly removed from their mothers. The rest are removed within a matter of days. On “humane” dairy farms, cows are separated from their mothers within …show more content…

It are often injected with hormones to increase their yield.
Some female calves join the milking herd. Typically they spend two to three months confined in lonely hutches. They are fed milk replacer while humans drink the milk that was intended for the calves.
The calves deserve the right to the milk first before humans. Yes cows will continue producing milk, but the cruel cycle would be reduced if more people are aware of the inhumanity that dairy farms put cows through.
More than 90 percent of dairy cows are confined in primarily indoor operations. Sixty percent of those cows are tied by their necks inside barral stalls. They often endure cruel and unnecessary treatment. Due to their restrictions, they are unable to perform the actions that they need to perform for their well being.
Dairy farms also abuse their cows. One abuse that is not known by many people that occurs in the industry is tail docking. Tail docking is the partial amputation of up to two thirds of the tail, typically performed without any painkillers. Not only is it painful for the cows, but it also leaves leaves them defenseless against flies, which are a problem on factory farms, especially during the

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