Argumentative Essay On Cattle Ranching

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Derek Clark
Miss Lena Thomas
English IV
27 January 2016

Beef Cows Did you know that there are approximately 920 different breeds of cattle in the world? That’s why cattle ranching can be a great job. Cattle ranching is a good career for those who like the outdoors and animals that involves bull management, tips for profit, calving season, drought management, and animal activists. Calving season is the time when the rubber hits the road in the cow business. After all, without a live and thrifty calf, all the anticipated payoff of expenditures in genetics, cow health, facilities, feed, labor, etc., are just wasted dollars. This section offers practical advice on genetic selection, passive immunity, calving issues, calf health, weaning, and …show more content…

Blackleg affects cattle worldwide and is primarily caused by a bacterium, Clostridium chauvoei. This type of bacteria exists in an endospore which allows it to lie dormant for extended periods in the cow’s gastrointestinal tract, spleen and liver, as well as in soil. Endospores are extremely resistant to environmental conditions such as heat, drought, ultraviolet radiation and chemical disinfectants. The disease is always a threat due to the dormancy periods and resilience of the causative organism. Significance of blackleg as a threat to cattle health is evidenced by it being listed as a discussion topic every year at the Texas A&M University Beef Cattle Short Course. During the 2013 event, the disease was discussed by Max Irsik, DVM, MAB of the University of Florida IFAS Extension. Information in this article was taken from Dr. Irsik’s presentation, as well as from University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Bulletin No. FSA3073 prepared by Dr. Jeremy Powell, Associate Professor – Animal Science Veterinarian. “Blackleg is a very acute, non-contagious and highly fatal disease of skeletal and heart muscle in cattle,” states Irsik. “Death rates of infected cattle are near 100 percent. The disease is mainly seen in cattle from six months to two years of age. It infrequently affects cattle greater than two years of age, and occasional losses may be seen in adult cattle.” “Blackleg infection begins when the susceptible animal ingests endospores,” says Powell. “The disease may be more prevalent on farms and ranches where soil has been recently moved or turned and around flooded areas where water has floated spores to the ground surface. Blackleg may also occur during drought when grass is very short, and cattle ingest spores from the soil during grazing.”Vaccination is the only way to effectively control blackleg. The first vaccination is

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