DJ Or Donna Jo Tanner's Full House

1979 Words4 Pages

DJ or Donna Jo Tanner, from the show ‘Full House’, grew up in San, Francisco, California. She was the eldest sister of Stephanie and Michelle Tanner and they were all raised in a house with multiple father figures due to their mother’s death. At a very young age DJ and her sisters lost their mother in a car accident caused by a drunk driver and her father, Danny Tanner is left with three young daughters to raise. This is when Joey, Danny’s best friend moved in with Danny shortly after the death of Pam, to help raise D.J., and her sisters. Shortly after, Danny’s brother-in-law, Jesse first moves into the house with no experience in taking care of young children, but he starts to learn along the way. He becomes closer to all of his nieces over …show more content…

In the show “Full House” the girls were raised with multiple father figures instead of the ordinary nuclear family. DJ has learned a lot growing up with three fathers and because of this type of parenting in the household, it can affect the girl’s development in the future. Both positive and negative ways, positively because she will learn independently and learn to cope with situations effectively because that’s how their father taught her. Negative because of just growing up with father figures in their home, they didn’t have that mom role model around which can affect their development in a way. Also, stated earlier in my research, single parents have more stress and that stress can be passed onto the child in the long-term. Research states that girls who are raised in a single parent home are three times as likely to become drug addicts, but the research was proven wrong. Recently the show ‘Full House’ renewed itself into a modern series, where the girls were shown as adults, grown up living their own lives. I noticed that DJ with her kids, she implemented the same parenting technique that her father had with her when she was a little girl. She is a little bit like Danny Tanner as a dad. She's very organized and orderly as a single mom due to her husband’s passing, so she has to be disciplined with three kids, just like her father was. DJ took a positive direction in her development because when she was growing up as a child her father was left taking on both roles with the death of his wife and DJ’s mother. As we see DJ grown up with her own kids, being a single mother she has to take on both roles. This left a positive impact on DJ to be the mother to her children as her father was to her and her

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