Bacterial Vaginosis Essay

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Bacterial Vaginosis is a common condition. It is the most frequent vaginal complaint in women and young girls age 14 to 44. My research shows that approximately 29% of women in the US are disturbed by bacterial vaginosiis..It is found in about 25% of pregnant women in the US and approximately 60% of women who have an STD. Bacterial vagnios produces a discharge, from an excessive unusual bacteria in the vagina. In the past, the condition was called gardneralla vaginitis, after the bacteria that was thought to cause the infection. Now it is called bacterial vaginosis, reflecting the fact that there are a number of bacteria that naturally live in the vaginal area and may grow out of control. The gardnerella pathogen is not the only villain …show more content…

If you are pregnant to avoid the development of complications. The most bothersome symptom of a bacterial infection is, vaginal discharge and the presence of a pungent odor after sex. Women may also notice the presence of these symptoms while urinating or while performing personal hygiene routines. Antibiotics are the recommend treatment for bacterial vaginosis. A few antibiotic remedies are used and include, metronidazole taking oral or vaginally and imidazole an antibiotic that has shown to be successful in treating bacterial vaginosis, and may have less side effects than metronidazole. The reappearance of bacterial vaginosis is possible, even after successful treatment. More than half of those treated experience a repeat in symptoms within 12 months. It is unclear why so many recurrences of the infection develop. With a present of symptoms, a second course of antibiotic is generally prescribed. Bacterial vaginosis should be treated with antibiotics. There have been no effective home remedies, shown that can treat this condition. However, the use of hydrogen peroxide and probiotic has been attempted in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, but the results have been contradictory and do not show a clear

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