Cyclical Maladaptive Pattern Case Study

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In this paper I shall be outlining in a case study my work with a client using the Cyclical Maladaptive Pattern (CMP) to help formulat e and track a Focus and shape the ongoing work. I shall illustrate this with des criptions of the client and extracts from our sessions. All information used is a résumé of the information gat hered throughout our 6 sessions. In complying with confid entiality, I shall refer to my client in this case study by the pseudonym Zola. The Client: Zola is a 53 year old unemployed woman from a Carib bean background. She has a history of depression going back many years and has been referred to the IAPT service by her GP. The IAPT assessment form indicat es that she suffers from behavioural and emotional problems, as well as havi ng memory and concentration difficulties. She has long term health problems and is on several medications. She suffers from osteoarthritis and a bad back as well as heart and kidney problems. She complains of pains “ from head to feet on a daily basis” and describes herself as an old lady walking slowly and with her head bowed. Zola was sexually abused between the ages of eleven to her mid-teens. She has had therapy twice before from two different counsellors . She is a single mother of two girls and reports tha t her elder daughter, in her late twenties, suffers from agoraphobia and is house bou nd. She is very proud of her 2 younger daughter who is in her early twenties and Z ola describes her as bright and as being a strong and direct girl. Zola’s mother died five years ago. She does not kno w who her father was and her mother had always refused to talk about him. She be lieves that her mother was raped and fell pregnant with her.... ... middle of paper ... ...with the impression that my work with this client has been helpful and meaningful to her and on a personal level I have learned how important it is to present empathy and build a strong therapeutic alliance, never more so than in Zola’s case. I cannot be completely sure that Zola is going to b e able to continue implementing her new experiences , but overall it feels as if therapy has been benef icial to her. She appears able to understand how episodes from her pa st are affecting her present day relationships and how she might be able to make these connections on her own. If nothing else, she found someone who actuall y listened to what she had to say and was prepared to take her seriously. This, f or her, is a new experience and is undoubtedly a first step to her finding peace with her past and a reason to look forward to the future.

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