Cultural Background Influences Types Of Counseling

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Implications and Learning Each person’s cultural background influences the type of counselor they will be. Biases, values, beliefs and much more influence how a counselor approaches counseling. A main influence a counselor’s background has on their practice is the theory in which they identify. The theory they practice from will influence the type and process of counseling. All theories are different and have their own values within them. For example, some value the past of the client, their support system, or object each of these. This can influence the counseling experience for the client if they do not value the same beliefs as the theory it is a clue to try something different, or refer the client. My cultural background has provided me with my values, beliefs, and identity. Throughout my childhood I was taught to value family. Family was expressed as the most important relationships and family is meant to accept you and help you through whatever. This could influence the client-counselor relationship if the client does not value their family. Through making comments about family, asking the client if they have talked to family members about what they are going through, or suggesting it, can influence the relationship immensely. This may be a positive influence if they also value family, but worse …show more content…

57). Multicultural counseling competencies include three domains: awareness, knowledge, and skills (Sue & Sue, 2016). Awareness is about being both culturally aware and aware of the self. Understanding characteristics of different cultures, barriers, and worldviews of cultures will instill knowledge in the counselor. Skills incorporate the ability to demonstrate helpful verbal and nonverbal communication, intervention skills, styles, and roles in a culturally competent way for each

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