Critical Appreciation Of The Western Style Of Lalit Mohan Sen

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Lalit Mohan Sen was born in 1898 in Shantipur, West Bengal. After his father’s death at the age of seven he came to Lucknow with his brother. He was fond of painting since his early age. Nathenial herd recognised his talent, and ask him to join newly established School of Arts and crafts, Lucknow. His first teaching was in academic realistic style under the guidance of Principal and teacher Nathaniel Herd. In 1924-26 he went on government scholarship to study at Royal College of Arts, London. Atmosphere in Royal Collage of London was truly based on modern experimental art but realistic style was also prevailing. Sen was considered brilliant student. He always remember one of his teacher’s saying; “All you have painted is an apple, while I want u to paint …show more content…

He was not much interested in wash painting style which was prevailing in that time in India.

Creativity of LM Sen was not limited to painting only he also had creative sense for crafts also. “Once he saw a fallen date palm tree, he put it on a lathe machine and made beautiful bowls out of it.”15 In which ever work he lays his hand he does it with full accuracy, aesthetic sense and vision.

Sen also did wood engraving during his stay in London and was awarded with meritorious student certificate in wood carving. In 1926 he became an Associate at the Royal College of Art. When he returned from London Asit K. Halder from Bengal school of Art was appointed the new Principal. With Haldar, trend of wash painting technique stared to flow its wings, But Sen continued with his own individual style which have quite different impact with use of bold strokes, heavily applied oil Paints, giving two dimensional

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