Critical Analysis Of King Claudius

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The placement of a King is earned, not taken out of a selfish desire. King Claudius, brother of former King Hamlet, Uncle/Step father of son Hamlet, is a disgusting description of a King. He is truly one of a kind, but not a good king of flavor. King Claudius is fake and manipulative, anything but a king, matter of fact he is a failure of a “king”. To show the aspects of Claudius is to prove how he is. This critical analysis will describe why King Claudius is a bad version of a king, the kind of man he truly is, and why he deserves to be abolished of the “King’s” position. Furthermore, in detail, it will be thoroughly discussed the negative aspects of Claudius and what kind of “King” he really is.

First of all, the monarch King Claudius …show more content…

He is great at turning things around on other people and making them look like the bad guy while he remains the good guy. Claudius is constantly trying to get rid of son Hamlet because he does not want the truth of what really happened to King Hamlet out to the public. He does not want to be frowned upon by “his” people. To him, he is all that is king and all that is true. If the people find out the truth he will not only lose his life, but as well as his ambition, queen, and crown. King Claudius tried removing Hamlet’s life by sending him to England with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to get a letter to Norway supposably saying it is allowed for their army to go through Claudius’ kingdom as long as no harm is done, when in reality, it really says to kill the sender of the letter, son Hamlet. However, Claudius’ plan did not work and Hamlet is on his way back to the Kingdom to grow the guts to get rid of the selfish so called “King”. He is a pig. To gain supremacy, he married the queen, Gertrude, who is the mother of son Hamlet, former wife of King Hamlet. Gertrude was accepting to this because she is almost as nearly selfish to hold the air of being queen. Before the death of Polonius, son Hamlet and mother Gertrude were in the particular room Polonius was killed in. He was bashing her on the disgusting marriage to his uncle/step-father Claudius and how she can even have the heart …show more content…

The Queen never knew of what Claudius had done to her former husband, King Hamlet. If she had known maybe things would have been different and Claudius would have been booted from monarch and the person who deserved it, son Hamlet, would of recieved the higher placement. Also everyone in the Kingdom sought Claudius as a good king by following his duties as ruler. However, they did not know about what had truly happened either. For instance, Ophelia died by drowning. Everyone thought that son Hamlet had something to do with the death of her from his outrageous crazy acts, Claudius especially. This is all just a way to get everyone on Claudius’ good side and make him look true. People did believe in him but not in the right way, the people were only being continuously lied to. Once the kingdom finds out the truth of what King Claudius has done, things will definitely change. Another way people were taking Claudius’ side is by Laertes being so upset with son Hamlet from the death of Polonius, Laertes’ father. However, if Laertes had known the truth of why son Hamlet had killed him in the first place it is almost certain that Laertes would have upsettingly understood. Although, it did not occur that way, King Claudius made it seem as if Hamlet was insane and inhumane so that Laertes would take his side and end up killing son Hamlet for the death of his father in a sword fight. King Claudius is a devious,

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