Insanity In Hamlet Essay

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Insanity rises in a person when something depressing happens to them because it destroys them mentally and physically. In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Hamlet’s insanity becomes known when he starts going through troublesome times. Hamlet’s father, which is known as Old Hamlet, was the previous king before he was unexpectedly murdered. Hamlet’s Uncle became king and also married his mother Gertrude which is what hamlet did not like. Also, in the book Hamlet was in the woods with two acquaintance and they came across the ghost of Old Hamlet to when he described to Hamlet that his brother Claudius killed him for power and also for his wife. In Hamlet, William Shakespeare uses word choice and symbolism to display hamlet as an insane character …show more content…

Killing someone is not like Hamlet and he knows the consciences that he has if he does it and not repent. Hamlet does not think that he can do it and has many soliloquies debating if he should. When Hamlet is talking to himself he says, “To be or not to be” (Act 3, Scene 1 Line 64). Hamlet is basically saying should he kill himself or live. Hamlet rather kill himself than deal with any problems that go on which makes him insane also. Since The ghost told Hamlet exactly how he was killed hamlet came up with an idea. Hamlet had previously watched a play and decided to take the actors from the play and make a play of his own. The play was going to be a reenactment of what happened to his father. Depending on the reaction that Hamlet got out of Claudius it would show if he did it or not and if he would kill him. Before the play Hamlet old the actor, “Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue” (Act 3,Scene 2 Lines 1-2). Hamlet is telling the actor to act the play exactly as he had told him with many …show more content…

Hamlet is a normal person which brillant ideas. He waited so long to kill Claudius because he wanted people to be able to know the story of really happened and did not want to seem like a bad guy. Hamlet’s soliloquy, “To be or not to be” (Act 3,Scene 1 Line 64) also means should he live to do as his father or or die to betray him. Hamlet knew everything that was going on in the kingdom but wanted to act as if he did not to get even further in and have more information. He did this because he wanted to think a more brilliant plan to kill Claudius and anyone else that was dealing with it, that is how he killed

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