Criminal Justice Personal Statement

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I was born in a middle-level income family as the only child. I never lacked anything that I needed, and my parents vested on me and my education. Indeed, my motivation to work hard came from the inspiration to secure employment in big companies. In my junior school, I had that dream of becoming a criminal investigator, I saw myself working with the FBI conducting criminal investigations and saving people’s lives from the hands of criminals. I studied hard to nature this dream and eventually I graduated from my junior to high school level.

In high school, I placed a lot of effort because I wanted to pursue criminal justice at the college level. After years of struggle with education in my high school level, the final paper which decided whether I will join the university came and I did it with all my effort holding my dream in my heart. Later that year the results were announced, and I had not qualified for any criminal justice course. I had not attained the required cluster points in the required subjects. My only option was to enroll for a diploma in a middle-level college in our area. This shattered my dreams, and I felt as if the whole world had turned against me. All my life I had worked for a degree course in criminology, but this seemed impossible in my current situation of affairs. …show more content…

I was not willing to put any more effort into my studies as I had the notion that the world is always unfair and that people are not given what they deserve in life. My relationship with God was also questionable after I received my high school results as I went to church just to please my parents. My decision to go to college was only a means of escaping my parent's sympathy which made me feel like a

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