Creative Writing: The Kite Runner

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Biking this trail many times before, I was all too well aware of the mountain that lie ahead. Sticking its head above the lowlands, it puts a certain uneasiness within about the impending pain. Many people have called me ludicrous for putting myself through these grueling runs. Obviously, they have never known what it is like to chase the small light at the end of the tunnel, working everyday, blisters on the feet and pain in the legs, just to pursue this proverbial light. Yet, as I stepped onto the powdery path, with the smell of a recent rain, I chased it. Eyes burning, the sun beat down on me, causing my shirt to become a sponge. It had already been about fifteen minutes since the start of my run, I was all too eager to pursue that light. …show more content…

Yet I continued with a certain fire within, compelling me to trounce a quite formidable foe. Step after step I could hear the birds chirping around me, mocking me by all too easily flying ahead. Cheaters. I looked down at my watch, only to discern that each second tick for what seemed like an hour. Trying to fire the hamstrings up, I started to feel the burn run down the inner part of my thigh. Being a runner, I have long known that in order to keep a good pace the effort must increase with each step, and must never waiver in your understanding of the task at hand. With the last few steps to the summit, I felt a clam rush throughout the body knowing I had ascended the mountain. Looking to my left, I beheld a sea of endless green quickly dropping off with a line of trees in the background. The wind so gently swaying them back and forth as the various birds swooped around. However, with the run back down, the mountain teased with a nice descending path allowing me to recuperate the body, knowing I must return in order to get home. Turning around, I assured myself that what can be done once, can be done …show more content…

Returning home, satisfied with another run, I took a few minutes to cool down and reflect on what had just transpired. In doing so I was able to realize running has taught me so much on the topic of hard work. People are right, running is not easy nor the action of doing so pleasurable. It isn’t an envy of all to be a runner. Yet when you are out on the trails, it is an escape away from the electronics and distractions of the world. Out on the trials, it is just you and your thoughts, your ambitions, your feelings. There’s no hiding out there, only confrontation each and every moment with your desires to stop and return to an area of comfort. However, in that complacency that one desires, there is no growth. It has to be done right each step, the mindset to the preparation must be done right. That is why I can see running everywhere in life, because each step of the mountain is doing the little objectives in life and putting in work, whether it is staying up late to study or it is sacrificing a little bit of that social time to complete the homework that isn’t due but helps a whole lot once you get to the

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