Creative Writing: Global Encounters

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The sound of a telephone ringing crossed with toilet flushing comes from my laptop. It is 3am in Chicago and I am super jet lagged. I click the green video button and on my screen appears two of my friends in Dubai. It has only been a day since I got back from Kenya, but I have missed these guys already. They get right into catching me up on their lives as I look for a pair of headphones so we don’t wake up everyone in my house.
In the summer of 2014, I attend a prestigious camp called Global Encounters. Global Encounters is an international three and a half week camp based in Kenya focused on service, leadership, and culture. It was the most astounding experience I’ve had. At camp, I met 82 people from 23 different countries. The bonds I created with everyone at camp, are connections I will never forget. When I visit countries where my friends live, or if my friends happen to be in Chicago, we …show more content…

It helped keep tabs on what everyone was doing. We had created a Facebook group for our camp where people would post links to different opportunities for scholarships, articles or programs. Posts about travel plans are usually available so that if two people are in the same place they can meet up. It was through a Facebook post that I found out that the service site I had volunteered at had burned down. I hadn’t kept tabs on how Hawkers Market Girls Centre( my service site) was going as the site was mainly used for selling goods the girls at the center made. After reading the post, I messaged my group members to see if they had seen it also. We talked about all the memories we had made there, and now we wouldn’t be able to go back. We wouldn’t be able to see how our projects would pane out. Two years later, Facebook is now a way to see what my friends are up to. I can see what awards they are winning, the different colleges’ everyone is going and wish them happy

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