Creative Writing: Baked Up

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Aching. Everything was aching, her body, her mind, the presence of day as she slipped away from a deep dream... The sun was too bright, and her bones too heavy, heavy like a sedative. Ava wanted to fall back asleep to her dreams. She had liked it, wherever it was. The past couple of days must have been too much. Opening her eyes to the ceiling, the sound of paper crinkled under her as she moved, her memory blurry. She must have passed out last night. Had the lights even gone out? Ava turned over, splaying the papers with her hand. Her fingers were black and chalky; she must have been drawing. She went to shuffle through the papers with her left hand too and noticed it blotchy with red, red all over the papers, red on her flannel. The smell …show more content…

Yeah.” She frowned. “I forgot about that.” “Where is that at?” “All the way up town. It’s at the edge of Aberdeen hill.” Dahlila suddenly perked up. “Did you want to ride with me?” “Yeah. If you don’t mind…” “Not at all. I can’t believe the teacher volunteered us AND we lose credit if we don’t go. I mean, some of us have things to do after class.” “Well it’s not until tonight,” Ava said dryly, wanting to hit her head on the locker. “What the hell’d she volunteer you for?” Danny asked. “For a library friends group. Something about a support group for the library and promoting its importance in the community. No wonder the guidance consolers were pushing this class on everyone. Are you coming with us?” Dahlila’s puppy dog eyes opened dramatically to Danny. “I’m not going.” He huffed. “I need to swim before I choke someone.” “Eat a snickers, Phelps,” Shane said, looking at Danny. “Huh?” “You’re cranky when you’re hungry.” Danny’s face tightened. The girls looked to Shane, waiting. “I’m not going.” He shook his head, his eyebrows shooting to the top of his forehead; Ava thought his eyebrows were going to jump off his face. “Wow, guys,” Ava said, looking for her pen. For two days — could barely shake them off, and one mention of a library and they go running for the

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