Flashforward: A Fictional Narrative

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Scene: Flashforward: “When I had gotten the call that Skylar had died, I missed it. When I listened to the voicemail, I let out a laugh, Skylar dying? Skylar was invincible, a selfish beautiful goddess. Then, I realized, I listened to the voicemail over and over and over again. My heart breaking every second. Skylar had died, not only that,but for someone else. I remember her green eyes, they held the world in them. They would be as feisty as fire, as calm as the wind, and as beautiful as the water. After the initial shock I was in my room, door locked, pictures and pillows strewn all over the room in rage and grief. Skylar. I felt as if my sobs shook the whole Earth, everyone hearing my pain.” She took a breath, “Now, look at me, I’m here, speaking to you the …show more content…

“No.” Her grin fell and her body slumped a tiny bit. She could hear the small chuckles from people. “I’m sorry,” she replied, “I..I don’t understand.” “Well,” Brent started “I don’t think you’re pretty, nor do I think you’re smart, and all in all, I just really don’t like you.” Still, Brent did not meet her eyes. Her eyes watered, and she almost missed what had happened next. A tear fell, and Skylar felt as if the whole her whole world was crumbling into tiny bits. She turned to see a girl, her face looking as red as her tight curly hair, her amber eyes shook with fury, and her hands were trembling “How dare you,” She shouted at him, “How dare you say something like that,do you have any sort decency?” Brent turned to face her. “Teresa, this doesn’t have anything to do with you, when did anyone invite you?” He replied a smug grin on his face. “It became my business, when you decided to be completely and utterly despicable to the new girl.” Teresa stood her ground, her face resembling the color of a tomato. She grabbed Skylar by the arm gently, “c’mon, let’s get out of here,” she muttered.

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