Creative Work Environment Essay

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Innovation has become a critical element for a business to be successful. More emphasis is placed on creativity as it is the core that drives innovation within a company. Businesses must provide a conducive work environment to produce and grow a creativity amongst its employees. We will discuss the five critical component to a creative work environment which include challenging work, organization encouragement, supervisor encouragement, work group encouragement, lack of organization impediments and freedom.
Challenging work is an important motivator in the workplace. Challenging work provides a worker to be engaged, especially when it is deemed important by management. Employees must feel challenged to keep creative ideas flowing. With …show more content…

Don 't assume that you and your employee have the same idea of what their job entails. They can start by addressing all items which fall within the employee’s scope of work and discuss what results are expected. Be forthcoming with timelines and the need for urgency when working through projects. “Supervisory encouragement is when supervisor provide clear goals and encourage open interaction and actively support development teams’ work” (Williams, 2017, p. 140). For example, when an employee is performing a job that must be completed to start the next phase in the project it is crucial to assign deadlines. During this time there should be an open dialogue, letting the employee ask questions to clarify job objectives and able to give feedback about achieving the deadline. Employees look for recognition and encouragement to use their skills to their full potential. Invest in employees by offering training and learning opportunities. Show that you really consider them an asset by investing in their development. Show your staff that you trust their judgment and abilities by giving them new responsibilities.
Work group encouragement: Encourage people to work together as a team. Using workers with diverse education and skills brings a depth of experience and knowledge for creative thinking. Work groups are dynamic and foster a sense of team when each person can be a part of something bigger. Work group encouragement …show more content…

“Freedom is having autonomy over one’s daily work” (Williams, 2017, p. 140). It allows for workers to have a sense of belonging and to make decisions that affect their work daily. For example, at Atlas, we operate on schedules with in departments to accomplish work most efficiently throughout the day. However, workers are not assigned to specific job function, they asses the priorities in each area and make the decision to work where they are going to be most productive. At times, redirection is required and we use it as a training opportunity. We do everything we can to avoid micromanaging our staff as we cannot afford for someone to not to be part of the work

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