Creating My Personal Bucket List

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Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series, said “By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be.” Hansen, also known as America’s Ambassador of Possibility, has achieved his lifelong goals, such as creating a foundation in his name dedicated to helping young people to turn their entrepreneurial dreams into realities. From a young age, Hansen realized his goals and that allowed him to be able to achieve them. By creating a bucket list, I have created a path for my life that I will begin to take the steps to achieve. The few things on my bucket list that I most want to achieve are to travel the world, sky dive, and do something nice for a stranger. Most importantly, I hope to visit every continent. I have always had the dream of traveling all over the world and finding the place where I want to live for the rest of my life. I imagine myself studying abroad somewhere in Europe for a year in college. I think that studying abroad allows a person to have a meaningful experience since he or she will learn everyday while also living in a completely different place that give you more experience in the real world. Along with this, I want to do more than just traveling; I want to do everything that a person is able to do on each continent. I want to see the wonders of the world, climb Mt. Everest, etc. Traveling is the most important thing I want to accomplish, because aside from my absolute love of travel and adventure, I want to experience culture and worlds that I have never been exposed to before. By visiting each continent, I know I will be fulfilling my ultimate goal of finding a place where I want to spend the rest of my l... ... middle of paper ... day a stranger did something nice for me. If it becomes a tradition it will affect more than just me and the person I helped, but also the person he or she helped and so on. Hence, I want to do something nice for someone else to benefit more and more people and create a tradition. Therefore, my bucket list items stand as more than just completing a task. Each has a meaning beyond the physical one. By completing them, I will be able to become a better person. Traveling the world will influence the type of person I am through my insight from seeing the different cultures and wonders. Also, sky diving will make me more confident and less afraid to try new things. Finally, doing something nice for a stranger will live a legacy by impacting more people than just myself. Like Hansen’s quotes, I will become the person I want to be by fulfilling my bucket list.

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