Contraception Essay

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There are a variety of viewpoints on contraception. Most couples in modern society feel the need to control the numbers of children that they have. The Roman Church teaches that all contraceptives are wrong, for the primary reason for sexual intercourse should be to have children. However the church does not condemn natural family planning, which means that the woman is aware of the times when she is fertile and the times that she is not. There is much controversy over these views especially in places where there is overpopulation. Yet many Roman Catholics use birth control and today and go by what they feel like is right. The Catholic Truth Society says "It is right and proper for parents to regulate the number of children that they have and the spaces between the children, but not be means that which artificially make it impossible for sexual intercourse to result in pregnancy”.

The use of contraception was never as widely proclaimed and flaunted as it is now. The use of contraception has become so conventional, that it is now typical for even teens to use contraceptives. Even sc...

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