Continental Marines Research Paper

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They were born in a Philadelphia tavern on November 10th, 1775. They are the first to fight when our nation is not ready. They fight in the air, on the land and on the sea. They are the world’s most versatile and quick reacting fighting force that will go to any emergency that the President and nation declares. They are the United States Marine Corps. But the United States Marine Corps would not have begun without the Continental Navy’s dire needs during the Revolutionary War. The Continental Navy needed experienced and well trained soldiers- essentially an integrated Army- that could defend the Navy’s ships from boarders and board the enemy’s ships. Most importantly the Navy needed a landing force. Today, the Marine Corps is the most prominent and well respected fighting force in the world. They are the projection of force on sea just as the Continental Marines were. The Continental Marines began very similarly to the British Royal Marines, who existed since the 1660s but were not official until 1775. The Royal Marines were detached into several ships. The Royal Marines’ duties were to protect amphibious …show more content…

The operations that the Continental Marines took part in were amphibious operations and the protection and security of Navy ships. The Continental Marines proved that they were a very useful and substantial fighting force. They proved themselves and their capabilities in battles like the Battle of Princeton, which without the Continental Marines, Washington would not have won. Even in the amphibious landing of the Bahamas, the Continental Marines proved that beach landings from the sea were possible and paved a way for future amphibious landing, like in Iwo Jima and Inchon. The Continental Marines proved their steel, showing their versatility in battle. It is this versatility that would go on to become the hallmark of the Marines we know

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