Operation Desert Storm Research Paper

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Operation Desert Storm:
Getting Iraq Out of Kuwait

Operation desert storm was known as The First Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm Shield, and Mother of All Battles. It all began when the dictator of Iraq ordered his army to enter into Kuwait. Kuwait was a major oil supplier for the United States. The purpose of operation desert storm was to remove Iraq out of Kuwait (www.history.com). To accomplish their goal, the United States had to join together with their allies, plan to destroy Iraq’s military and weapons, and battle for Kuwait’s freedom.
George Bush was the president during Operation Desert Storm. When President Bush found out about the invasion of Kuwait, he gave a warning to Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, stating that by January 15, 1991 for all Iraq forces to be out of Kuwait (Elise C. Hill, 196). Saddam Hussein ignored the president’s order. President Bush replied “this will not stand!” It then began January 17, 1991 at 3AM when the Iraqi’s fired missiles at Israel (u-s-history.com). Saddam Hussein declares “The great’s …show more content…

American troops declared Kuwait liberated 100 hours after the ground attack. U.S. Casualties were 147 battle deaths, 145 non-battle deaths, 1 missing in action. The army had 98 battle deaths and 105 non-battle, Navy 5 battle and 8 non-battle and 1 missing in action, Marines 24 battle and 26 non-battle, Air Force 20 battle and 6 non-battle, Women killed 15, and wounded in action were 467. (www.support-ourtroops.com) U.S. forces stormed into Iraq 120 miles west of Kuwait, attacking Iraq. Iraqi Scud destroyed U.S. barracks in Dhahran, killing 28 United States military personnel (armylive.dodlive.mil). President Bush declared Kuwait liberated, and suspended all U.S. and allied force exactly 100 hours after the ground battle started and six weeks to the day since air attacks were launched against Iraq (usmilitary.about.com). A estimated 8,000 to 10,000 Iraqi forces were

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