Conformity Essay

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The word conformity means changing your behaviour or attitudes to belong into society. Conformity is also known as ‘majority influence’. There are three types of conformity: Compliance is changing your behaviour to fit in with the public but not agreeing with it privately, Internalisation is changing your behaviour and believing it is right privately too, and finally Identification is changing behaviour to fit into a social role. There are two explanations as to why people conform: Normative social influence explains that people have a desire to be liked so they conform to fit in, and Informational social influence explains that people who have a desire to be right will conform and look at others for guidance.
For example, Asch’s study demonstrates how conformity occurs. His aim was to see whether a person conforms to the majority even when the answer is obvious. He carried out a laboratory experiment where 123 male students were put into groups of 7 (where 6 were confederates and 1 was a naïve participant). They sat around a table and had to determine which of the 3 comparison lines matched the standard line out loud. He found that 75% of participants conformed at least once. This study shows that even though the answer is obvious, and …show more content…

One factor is unanimity. Individuals are more likely to conform when all members of the group give the same answer. If there is an ally to break the unanimity, it is easier to resist conformity as they feel less pressured to conform. For example, in one of Asch’s variations, if there was just one dissenter in the group who went against the majority, conformity levels dropped by 80%. Another factor is group size. The bigger the group size, the more pressure on the individual to conform. However, this is only until an optimal group size, because conformity didn’t increase after the group size was 5 in Asch’s variation thus, group size does have an effect, but only to a certain

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