Essay On Non Conformity

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In every society, there is conformity and nonconformity, although we may not notice it. Conformity is when someone is doing the same thing as others because they do not want to be the only one doing differently. Example, if there was a whole class raising their hands would you want to be the only one with your hand down, no so you would raise it with the rest of the class to not look like you don't know anything. This is called social pressures it when a large group is doing something and you're the only one not then you want to be doing whatever that large group is doing. Furthermore, non-conformity is the total opposite of conformity. Non-conformity is when someone is not doing the same as everyone else they're doing their own thing. In addition, that's called being an antagonist when you do the opposite of others. An example of non-conformity is when someone who does not care if everyone is doing something that's the same, antagonist like to do their own thing even if they get bullied by other …show more content…

Furthermore, some conformist doesn't want to live in a small city they want to be around the famous. Also, many conformists are just very picky on who they want to be around. We may not notice non-conformity and conformity because of the way we act. In addition, conformists are like followers but not exactly. Some conformist like to fit in but also want to be different. Non-conformity and conformity are two very different things.Nonconformity is the people who want to be different than everyone else. Conformity is the people that want to fit in but some of those people have so nonconformity in them also. Although many people can't notice if themselves are non-conformist or conformist. The way to find that is by looking at yourself, yes everyone has their own different ways but conformist all similar to each other they do not want to stand out unless they look truly

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