Conflict Management: Resolving And Multiple Perspectives Of Conflict Management

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Conflict Management
What is a conflict?
Conflict is a dynamic process. Conflict can be considered a negative as well as a positive aspect for an organization. That depends on the situation. The conflict in an organization can increase the overall effectiveness of the task at hand as having multiple perspectives often lead to conflict in an organization. But multiple perspectives give rise to innovative ideas and better solution for the problem at hand. The conflict may be seen as a process consisting of sequential steps that as below:
1. The situation of the conflict
2. Getting aware about the situation
3. Realizing the situation
4. Manifesting the situation of conflict
5. Resolving or suppressing the conflict
6. …show more content…

Conflicts in any situation are inevitable and unavoidable, but the consequences or the results of the conflicts cannot be determined. As said earlier, conflict may give rise to highly beneficial results or highly non-beneficial results after resolution. The reason for the conflict is more often than not a miscommunication or misunderstanding among the people related to the situation.
Conflict management is the theory that states that all the conflicts cannot necessarily be resolved, but it’s important to learn how to manage the conflicts arising due to unavoidable situation in order to minimize the effect of non-productive escalation. Conflict management process requires skills that facilitate conflict resolution such as self-awareness about the conflict models, communication skills, along with establishing a structure for management of conflict in the environment of the …show more content…

Hence, it is an inevitable part of human life. Aggression, violence, etc. is very natural in the human nature. These form the basis of the conflicts. Conflicts have two coins to their sides. One – the positive side that enhances the social relationships and interactions and innovations among the people. Other is the negative side. That results in the violent acts sometimes leading to the physical as well as mental harm to people. The positive conflicts are similar to the transformational conflicts. They are for the better good of the society and not punishable in the eyes of the law. But sometimes these kinds of conflicts too can get overboard and harm the society. The conflicts leading to the violent acts are punishable by law. Hence for various types of conflicts the laws are different. But any law ensures that the justice prevails and the truth is

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