Functional Conflict

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Conflict is the negative differences in opinion or varied emotion people experience due to a a distupte over a particular subject matter. In suits conflict arises very often for many different reason however it is important that conflict stimulates creativity and innovation rather than a decline in productivity and a climate of mistrust. Functional Conflict is the situation where all parties in the conflict deal with the conflict in a manner which positively impact the business. An example from Suits would be when Louis is in dispute with Harvey over his late arrival to work at time stamp 11 minutes. It is functional conflict as Harvey acknowledged Louis' s point of view however it takes Jessica to act as a mediator to solve the conflict as they could not do so themselves. Jessica as the mediator asks Harvey to apologize to LOUIS for coming in at work late which resolved the conflict. This is an example of functional conflict as both parties are satisfied and Harvey took in Louis' s point of view and is willing to make a compromise to his behaviour for the business. This however overlaps with professionalism and ethics cause it is unethical and unprofessional of Harvey to come to work late and the code of conduct needs to stipulate what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior in Hardman Pearson. In time stamp …show more content…

Mike then quits which shows that he is demotivated and has low morale. This angers Harvey as he hired him because Mike is intelligent and has vast potential. Using the managerial characteristics Harvey motivates Mike however rests the choice of if he wants to work at Hardman Pearson up to him. This is functional conflict as it motivated Mike to work hard and never give up when things don't go right. In effect Harvey is a good leader as he is focusing on Mike as a person, inspiring trust and motivating

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