Conflict In The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell

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Three main conflicts in Richard Connell's “The most dangerous game”

Conflict is a key part in every good piece of literature. For example in the story “The three little pigs” man vs man is the main type of conflict, where it is the three little pigs vs the big bad wolf. But, some stories have multiple pieces of conflict. In “The Most Dangerous Game” the author Richard Connell shows three pieces of conflict. Man vs man is a big part of “The Most Dangerous Game” as well as it is in the three little pigs. Man vs nature also plays an important role in the story, because of where the setting is located. Rainsford has to fight himself to stay in “the game” this is where man vs himself takes place in the book. Therefore, there is a great deal of conflict throughout the story. …show more content…

There are many examples of Rainsford and Zaroff conflicting throughout the story. Zaroff's boredom with hunting led to a game in which he challenges Rainsford. Zaroff thinks that animals are to easy to hunt because he has been hunting them his whole life. Hunting people, on the other hand, is much more thrilling. Instinct plays a big part in this game. The narrator shows this with Rainsford, “Rainsford’s impulse was to hurl himself down like a panther, but he saw that the general’s right hand held something metallic--a small automatic pistol”(11). Zaroff has played this game many times before, but playing against Rainsford makes it much harder for him because of Rainsford’s hunting skills. If Rainsford hurled himself down like a panther, he would get killed because Zaroff has a pistol in his hand. Man vs man plays a big part in this

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