Computer Generated Imagery: Transformers Dark of the Moon

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Computer Generated Imagery: Transformers Dark of the Moon In 2007, history was born. In a less climatic way, Transformers, an American science fiction action film based on the toy line was debuted. The sequel, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was released in the summer of 2009. Two years later, the third installment of the live action series, Transformers Dark of the Moon was released. In present day, enthusiastic fans await the arrival of the fourth installment of the Transformers film series, Transformers Age of Extinction. Within each film is the advancement of technology used to create the film and the improvement of the computer generated imagery that was heavily used. Michal Bay’s Transformer Dark of the Moon has debuted and created one of the most complicated computer generated models ever been made. Because of him and his team, millions of enthusiasts have come to appreciate the work of art as well as the computer generated imagery that was used to create some of our favorite characters. Before speaking in full detail of the personal fondness that was acquired and progressed thought the series and the graphic details of it, it is important to address the technology that has made the motion picture possible. Computer Generated Imagery is defined as the “application of computer graphics to create or contribute to images in art, printed media, video games, films, television programs, commercials, and simulators”. In simpler terms computer generated imagery is used in different works of art to create another world through the click of a mouse. Computer generated Imagery is commonly referred to as CGI when using three dimensional computer graphics to create special effects in films and television. Anyone from a professio... ... middle of paper ... ...ully respect. Besides the great components that has formed, what I unlike many of the critics believe to be one of the greatness movie of all time, an aspect of the film that does not seem to disappoint is the special effects, more specifically, the CGI’s. BBC News states that “it is this hyper-real movie magic that has made the Oscar-winner one of the most sought after visual effects supervisors in Hollywood.” Oscar winning Scott Farrar was the visual effects supervisor in the entire preceding Transformers trilogy. The movie offered “a tour de force of special effects, even if the critics were less kind about the movie's storyline”. While some may say that the visual effects used in the film were too much and sometimes unnecessary, there is no doubt that Farrar achieved great lengths and challenged future innovators of the visual and special effects industry.

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