What Is The Theme Of Hotel Dracular 2

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Hotel Transylvania 2 is the broadly loved sequel to the 2012 hit hotel Transylvania. In this movie we follow the story of Dracula’s vampire daughter Mavis and her human hubby Jonathan as they try to raise their human son Dennis. These new parents find themselves rejecting the traditions of living in the monster world and fighting their over-involved father Dracula, who is convinced he can transform his grandson in to a vampire with a few vampire life lessons.
Similar to the first movie it features a fresh plot with many funny jokes along the way. The direction this movie goes compared to the first is quite different. In this movie they no longer face the fear of the outside world and what the humans might do; now they live peacefully among them as most humans love these classic Halloween characters. There are many changes happening in the hotel which keeps you on your feet throughout the movie. This movie follows the struggles of a young family just trying to survive in two worlds which is a key plot point in …show more content…

They again wowed us with amazing computer generated characters as well as back drop’s which showed the amount of work and time put into this movie. Compared to the 2012 release of the first movie they have stepped up their game in the graphics department. Along with many of the great scenes was a brilliant selection of music which aided in creating an environment that really played a role in setting the mood and tone of the movie. They were given a larger canvas to fill this movie as they generated more of the outside world. They had a fun time designing Johnny’s northern California stomping grounds with more colorful computer generated back drops Compared to the dark old timey hotel that has been Dracula’s home for over a hundred years. The thought that was put in while designing this movie was evident throughout the film especially the detail of the outside and in the design of each

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