Comprehensive Sexual Health Education

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Comprehensive sexual health education is the provision of information about sex, sexuality, relationships, and physical development. The content taught in sex education includes facts provided about different contraceptives and condoms, puberty, relationships, body image, sexual orientation, and prevention of sexual violence (Bridges). Sex education should occur throughout grade levels in school with age-appropriate material for each year. Sex ed in schools has been controversial since the 1960s, when the argument over how detailed the lessons should be evolved. There have been many fears surrounding the notion that courses on extensive sexual education will cause juveniles to engage in more sexual behavior, as if the actions are not already …show more content…

Sexual activities can have a variety of consequences, and thorough sex ed informs students of negative health effects in order to help avoid them. Freely discussing contraception and condoms with young people protects their physical condition, for they will know the steps that are taken to partake in safe sex. Abstinence stands as “the only 100 percent effective method of preventing pregnancy, HIV, STIs, and unintended pregnancy” (Hauser), yet “50,000 teens become pregnant, with up to 82 percent of those pregnancies being unintended. Young people ages 15 - 24 account for 25 percent of all new HIV infections in the U.S.” (Bridges). The data clearly shows that by withholding information about contraception, those already having sex are entirely at risk for dangerous outcomes. Talking openly about reliable methods to decrease the chance of negative results of sex will aid in securing teenagers’ health throughout the rest of their lives. In addition, extensive sex ed allows adolescents to converse about what they are, or are not, ready for to reduce the practice of unsafe sex. With support from accurate instruction, “dozens of sex education programs have been proven effective at helping young people delay sex or have sex less often” (Bridges). Contrary to preconceptions, sexual health education can be more …show more content…

Another way for teenagers to stay unharmed is by learning about what constitutes an unhealthy relationship, in order to prevent themselves from being in one. A statistic shows that “one in 10 high school students has experienced dating violence from a dating partner in the last year” (Bridges). When an adolescent doesn’t realize their relationship is unhealthy and damaging, it can endanger them. Young people need to recognize an unhealthy relationship, and how to put an end to the relationship. Understanding healthy relationships can apply to romantic or platonic partners. It’s important for teens to be around people that support and better them. Maintaining a healthy relationships requires many aptitudes that are included in comprehensive sex ed, such as “positive communication, conflict management, and negotiating decisions around sexual activities” (Bridges). These skills can be applied to numerous interactions in life and a lack of them can lead to risky situations. Acquiring a broad understanding healthy relationships through sex education can benefit a young person by allowing them to make selections on who is best for them to become involved

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