Comparison Of Conrad's Heart Of Darkness And Apocalypse Now

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The aim of this work is a comparison between the novel "Heart of Darkness" and "Apocalypse Now," Francis F. Coppola film loosely adapted from the novel by Conrad. “Apocalypse Now” was performed as film based on the text of Conrad and placing it in the context of the Vietnam War. Although several elements were added, such as characters and situations that are not in the text, the film reflects in many ways “Heart of Darkness” in the history and development. Adapting the work of Conrad, many abstract things that are not in the text, jump to the screen. In other words, text transformation into visual representation vision adds a vision of evil in men, the fear of death, nostalgia for the home, etc. The film has a faithful and successful representation …show more content…

This is important because I believe it expresses something that is a motivating cause of the novel: why is commanded Marlow / Willard to remove Kurtz’s hand. The performance of both versions is clear, the performance of the characters and everything we know of its pre subsequently play frames in history where all the superstructure of Western bourgeois power virtually vanishes environment. "Apocalypse Now" is separated from the novel when Willard ritually sacrificed Colonel Kurtz, action performed by Malow. This ritual death is inspired by "The Golden Bough" by JG Frazer, book listed among the belongings of Kurtz. There is a scene where Cheef gets off the boat to find mangos in the jungle along with Willard and are surprised by a tiger and they run back to the boat terrified. This episode has its counterpart in the "Heart of Darkness" when a hippo is ravaging the lands. In the movie “Apocalypse now”, a group of planes load the deadly napalm on the green thicket, where supposedly hides the Vietnamese people, causing an enormous fire. This excessive attack is similar to the indiscriminate attack made by the captain of a French ship from the shore against the jungle in "The Heart of

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