Comparing Zeffirelli's Romeo And Juliet

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Franco Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet is a wonderfully crafted take on the original Romeo and Juliet story. Many aspects of the movie add to its overall appeal including the work of the director, screen writers, costume designers, actors, and many others. Although these aspects work together as one whole, I believe a few aspects stuck out and made this movie a must see film.
The screen writers did an amazing job in creating the lines for the actors because they are very similar to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Staying true to the inspiration of the movie is important because people are going to compare it to the original by Shakespeare. The language was not changed to relate more to the modern language and by doing this, it brought a uniqueness to the film. The costume designers really bring the actors to life in the multitude of outfits to correspond with what they were doing at the time. Layering of clothing were very common in these times, and the costume designers definitely took that idea and brought it to life. The costume designers even used the choice of no clothing as a costume in a love scene. Although many say that the use of no clothing was …show more content…

Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey did a remarkable job in showing the audience that that had this real connection and that they were actually in love. You can really see this in Leonard’s face during the party scene when he sees Juliet for the first time. You can see from that moment that he knew that he loved this girl before even talking to her. The actors can convey not only love but also, anger, sadness, playfulness and many other emotions that kids at their ages would have and showing these is important because it adds to each character some individuality. The actors did a great job at portraying the director’s artistic

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