Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

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Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

The first scene of the two film versions of Romeo and Juliet directed

by Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli is a very unusual and

interesting interpretation of the 16th century play, written by the

famous playwright William Shakespeare. Both Luhrmann and Zeffirelli

capture the love and tragedy story in different ways. Baz Luhrmann

very cleverly manages to weave the past into the present by setting

the movie in Shakespearean language and yet giving the film a very

modern twist. It is set in, the very heart of a modern American city

that is quite threatening and urban. Here crime thrives in the city

centre, violence rules the streets and becomes a part of daily life

and where people are bred not to reveal their true feelings living a

life of fear, chaos and full of illusions.

However, Franco Zeffirelli directs the play exactly how Shakespeare

wrote it, with no modern language or urban effects. It is even set in

Fair Verona. Baz Luhrmann’s characters are taken out of modern films,

such as Leonardo Di Caprio, but Zeffirelli uses characters no one has

heard of, since his film was made in the 1960’s. Luhrmann’s movie

companied with music formulates a great recipe for a very compelling

movie for all ages twelve and above. Zeffirelli’s movie is more for

the older generation. It is not compelling to the younger audience,

since the first scene do not have all the modern effects.

Baz Luhrmann’s opening of the film is rather queer but effective for

the cinematic audience. An array of different techniques used, allows

the audience to be gradually lured in to the movie as it manages to


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However Zeffirelli only intended to interpretate the play exactly how

Shakespeare wrote it. Both directors have been successful in

achieving what they wanted. Luhrmann wanted the film to be very

modern and if William Shakespeare were alive to this day, this is how

he might have produced his own play in movie form. Baz Luhrmann was

able to understand the messages conveyed by young Shakespeare, bought

it into the present and successfully related it to many issues

plaguing our society we live in today. Zeffirelli wished to carry out

the play, word to word, as Shakespeare wrote it. In conclusion both

directors has made their opening and first scene very well. They have

made an impression right at the beginning of the film; this has made

an impact on the audience making them watch the whole


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