Comparing Individualism In The Crucible And Mark Halliday's The

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When people are placed under the spotlight of criticism, it is important that they possess individualism and uniqueness. The word individualism is a social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control. In the play “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller, the poem “The Pink Car” by Mark Halliday, and the short story “The Piece of String” by Guy de Maupassant, the protagonist from each piece of literature possesses or wants to portray their individualism or distinction between themselves and others. John Proctor, Mark Halliday, and Maître Hauchecorne all want to remain as themselves and refuse to give into what society wants or expects from them. They continue to act as individuals even though the people around them …show more content…

In the short story, Maître Hauchecorne is a little kid that picks up a piece of string in the town square. “He took the bit of thin cord from the ground and began to roll it carefully when he noticed Maître Malandain, the harness maker, on the threshold of his door, looking at him.” With his enemy watching, he put the string in his pocket discretely and prayed nobody saw him, but somebody did. While eating lunch, a police Sargent removes him from the inn. He is brought to the mayor, who accuses him of picking up a wallet. Hauchecorne had no proof to prove he was innocent but he knew that he didn’t do anything wrong by picking up a piece of string. He was accused of stealing, but yet, he never gave in or conveyed his beliefs to the people. Although this whole situation led him to become miserable, he maintained his individuality by not giving in to the public accusations made against him. There is actually some irony in this story too, which is quite interesting. By picking up something so little, led to something so big and ultimately his death. The underlying theme of individualism is portrayed throughout the story by Hauchecorne because with all the criticism and accusations, he remained himself and didn’t do things that others wanted him to

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