Comparing Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mom And The Joy Luck

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Within The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom, by Amy Chua and Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club, two unique mother-daughter relationships are portrayed. Every mother and daughter relationship varies. In Amy Chua’s The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom, a different situation is shown than Amy Tan’s experience in The Joy Luck Club. Although each work displays a different scenario, they both involve the contradiction of mother-daughter relationships. In Amy Chua’s excerpt The Violin, she is faced with the frustration of her mother's nagging. As she is practicing her violin, her mother is supervising the session. Making sure her daughter is doing it correctly she emphasizes the instructor’s orders, “‘ RELAX!”’ I screamed at home, “‘ Mr. Shugart said RAG DOLL!”’

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