Comparing Baptist Church And Liberal Secularism

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Firstly, the beliefs of the Baptist Church, United Church, and Liberal Secularists are distinct. Each culture has a way of living based on their beliefs, these beliefs spring from a source that makes all the followers act similarly. For instance, the Bible is the perfect example of this. The Bible is a religious text made up of 66 books in one massive book. Bilica simply explains the Bible as a recount “about the lives of good and bad people, about battles and journeys, about the life of Jesus, and about early church activity” (Biblica). Both the United Church and Baptist church accept the Bible as the holy text, but each denomination follows the it differently. The Baptists is a fundamentalist Christian religion that uses the Bible for everyday …show more content…

Compared to RCC, the Bible is encouraged to be read daily and the stories are encouraged to be taken literally. Continuing, the Liberal Secularist view of the Bible is that it should have no binding authority over any individual to make personal decisions. Richard Dawkins, a Liberal Secularist, speaks on his viewpoint of the Bible by asking, “Do those people who hold up the Bible as an inspiration to moral rectitude have the slightest notion of what is actually written in it?” (The God Delusion). Dawkins clearly holds a view against Christians about them being ignorant towards the Bible due to some of them taking the stories literally. Clearly, a Liberal Secularist views the Bible as only a metaphorical book that should not be taken seriously or morally. To conclude, the Bible is viewed very differently throughout each subculture. The Baptist church believes that the Bible is the word of God and should guide all people’s decisions. Rather, the United Church believes that the Bible is a holy text that should only be taken figuratively, but the morals should still guide an individual's life. Lastly, the Liberal Secularist believes that the Bible should hold no moral value in a person's everyday life and instead should be seen as a fictional story. Moreover, another belief difference in each subculture is the belief of how an individual reasons. Reasoning is highly based on drawing conclusions off of what knowledge one is given. For an example, consider being rewarded for doing what is morally right, in this context donating/tithing. The Baptist church encourages donations to the poor and tithing because they believe that the Bible commands it and that their is a promise behind in the outcome of it. Malachi 3:10 (NLT)

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