What Are The Effects Of Sects

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Today there are many different types of religions and religious organizations in and around the United States. Different religious organizations can develop because of the changes taking place in society. The different religions that “break off” from other churches result in different sects. The sect-church cycle creates different religious groups which develop because of the changes in thoughts and ideas present in society. Churches are religious bodies that can coexist in relatively low states of tension with their social surroundings. Churches have and practice beliefs that are similar to those of the general population. Sects on the other hand are high tension bodies that do not fit in very well with their social surroundings/environment. …show more content…

Sects develop from already existing churches. The sects break off from their church and form their own beliefs and ideas. Sects can form for many reasons one of which being they do not believe or agree with the beliefs and/or ideas of the church or the church leaders. Some beliefs may not be accepted by all members of the church, or the church may become too involved in certain issues, so members decide to break off and form their own religious sect. The sects are very religious and do not allow the effects of society and mainstream culture to affect their teachings because they fear contamination from “outside forces”. The direction of beliefs in churches and sects change due to the changes in people and the things that people do and do not want to believe in. As society constantly changes and adapts new ideas, so do certain churches and sects. Sects represent social change because they show the changing and alteration of beliefs and cultural values. When sects break off from other churches and are their own sect if they gain a big following of people who believe and agree with what they are teaching the sect could then become its own church. Then, as time goes on new ideas and beliefs will emerge, and so will different sects to account for the new social

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